
Paste #25091: No description

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Pasted by Anonymous Coward

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repuser2@[unknown] ERROR:  canceling statement due to user request
repuser2@[unknown] STATEMENT:  START_REPLICATION SLOT "db0replication" 9FF4/73000000 TIMELINE 4
repuser0@[unknown] ERROR:  canceling statement due to user request
repuser0@[unknown] STATEMENT:  START_REPLICATION SLOT "db1replication" 9FF4/70000000 TIMELINE 4
ERROR:  canceling autovacuum task
CONTEXT:  automatic vacuum of table "coredb.public.orders"
repuser0@[unknown] ERROR:  canceling statement due to user request
repuser0@[unknown] STATEMENT:  BASE_BACKUP LABEL 'pg_basebackup base backup' PROGRESS  FAST NOWAIT

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