load averages: 1.33, 1.74, 1.88; up 799+23:06:14 14:37:28 73 processes: 70 sleeping, 2 zombie, 1 on cpu CPU states: 97.9% idle, 1.3% user, 0.8% kernel, 0.0% iowait, 0.0% swap Memory: 24G phys mem, 68G free mem, 22G total swap, 18G free swap /sas/data/sas94bi/SASHome/SASDeploymentAgent/9.4/agentadmin.sh uid="`/usr/ucb/whoami`" # Current username 2015-06-12 15:03:40,061 [Thread-145] WARN [unknownunknown] com.sas.svcs.cluster.httpinvoker.AutoDiscoveredHttpService - Have received 20 failures while trying to access an auto-discoverable service to satisfy request for 'com.sas.svcs.config.client.ConfigurationServiceInterface'. Please ensure that the application and/or process surfacing this interface is still in the process of starting.