
Paste #26631: Nmap full tutorial for newbies

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Pasted by Knox - Nmap Tutorial

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FULL - Tutorial how to use nmap for NewBorn Ones!

1. Basic Scanning Commands

1.1. Scan a Single Host


What it does: Scans the target host (IP to check if it's online and identify open ports.

Use case: Simple checks to see if a host is reachable and which ports are open.

1.2. Scan Multiple Hosts


What it does: Scans multiple IPs at once.

Use case: Useful when you need to scan several devices on the network.

1.3. Scan a Range of IPs


What it does: Scans all IPs from to

Use case: Efficient for scanning an entire subnet.

1.4. Scan a Subnet


What it does: Scans all devices in the subnet (254 hosts).

Use case: Comprehensive subnet scanning.

1.5. Scan a Domain


What it does: Resolves the domain to its IP and scans it.

Use case: Scanning websites or servers by name.

2. Advanced Scanning Commands

2.1. Enable Verbose Mode

nmap -v

What it does: Displays more details about the scanning process.

Use case: Helpful to understand what Nmap is doing step-by-step.

2.2. Aggressive Scan

nmap -A

What it does: Performs OS detection, version detection, script scanning, and traceroute.

Use case: When you want to gather as much information as possible about a host.

2.3. Scan Specific Ports

nmap -p 80,443

What it does: Scans ports 80 and 443 on the target.

Use case: Focus on specific services like web servers (HTTP and HTTPS).

2.4. Scan All Ports

nmap -p-

What it does: Scans all 65,535 TCP ports on the target.

Use case: Comprehensive port scanning for deep inspection.

2.5. Detect Operating System

nmap -O

What it does: Attempts to detect the operating system of the target.

Use case: Useful for understanding the target's OS to tailor further testing.

3. Stealth Scanning

3.1. SYN Scan (Default)

nmap -sS

What it does: Sends SYN packets to check for open ports without completing the handshake.

Use case: Faster and less likely to be detected by firewalls.

3.2. TCP Connect Scan

nmap -sT

What it does: Establishes full TCP connections to identify open ports.

Use case: Used when SYN scan is not allowed due to restrictions.

3.3. UDP Scan

nmap -sU

What it does: Scans UDP ports instead of TCP.

Use case: Useful for discovering services like DNS, SNMP, or DHCP.

4. Service and Version Detection

4.1. Detect Service Versions

nmap -sV

What it does: Identifies the versions of services running on open ports.

Use case: Helpful for vulnerability analysis.

4.2. Scan with Default Scripts

nmap -sC

What it does: Runs Nmap's default scripts to identify common vulnerabilities or issues.

Use case: Fast and automated way to gather basic info.

5. Specialized Scanning

5.1. Detect Firewall/IDS

nmap -sA

What it does: Sends ACK packets to determine if a firewall is present.

Use case: Identify network-level defenses.

5.2. Scan for Vulnerabilities

nmap --script vuln

What it does: Runs vulnerability detection scripts.

Use case: Identifying known vulnerabilities in services.

5.3. Perform Timing Adjustments

nmap -T4

What it does: Adjusts scan speed (from -T0 for slowest to -T5 for fastest).

Use case: Use faster scans (-T4 or -T5) when time is limited.

6. Output Results

6.1. Save Results to a File

nmap -oN scan_results.txt

What it does: Saves output in a human-readable format.

Use case: Documenting scan results for later analysis.

6.2. Save as XML

nmap -oX scan_results.xml

What it does: Saves output in XML format for automated parsing.

Use case: Import results into other tools.

6.3. Save in All Formats

nmap -oA scan_results

What it does: Saves output in all available formats (.txt, .xml, .nmap).

Use case: Comprehensive documentation.

7. Evading Detection

7.1. Spoof Source IP

nmap -S

What it does: Spoofs the source IP address (requires privileges).

Use case: Testing firewalls or simulating attacks (only with permission).

7.2. Randomize Scan Order

nmap --randomize-hosts

What it does: Scans IPs in a random order.

Use case: Avoid detection by Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS).

8. Miscellaneous

8.1. Traceroute

nmap --traceroute

What it does: Maps the route packets take to reach the target.

Use case: Network path analysis.

8.2. Scan an IPv6 Address

nmap -6 [IPv6_address]

What it does: Scans an IPv6 host.

Use case: For modern networks using IPv6.

Final Notes for Newbies:

1. Start Small: Begin with basic commands like nmap [IP] before exploring advanced options.

2. Permission: Always have explicit permission to scan a system. Unauthorized scanning is illegal.

3. Practice: Use test environments like virtual machines or sandbox networks.

4. If you want to exploit don't This won't help you if you're still new.

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